West Coast to Waterloo: The Journey Begins – Alida White

I always knew that I wanted to study abroad somewhere while I was at university. The thought of traveling halfway across the world didn’t intimidate me–I had already traveled halfway across the country to go to college. I easily narrowed my ideal location down to London because of my English Literature major and interest in early modern theater. I talked to my advisor, filled out an application, and all of a sudden I was accepted to King’s College London and booking plane tickets.

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Why Study Abroad at King’s? – Alessandra Viegas

I decided to study abroad at King’s College after much deliberation about studying abroad at all. In contemplating whether or not I was going to study abroad my junior year, I was worried that my rigorous academics at Wesleyan and my commitments outside of class would be compromised if I decided to spend the semester at another school. However, as my sophomore year progressed, I realized that my decision not to go abroad was also motivated by fear of the unknown, and I decided to take a leap and apply to King’s College.

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London’s Accessible and Transformative Theatre Scene – Alessandra Viegas

One of the most integral parts of my experience in London has been the access to theatre. As a playwright, I chose to study abroad in London in order to have this proximity to a vibrant community of theatre makers. Little did I know that this community would be less than a five-minute walk from my dorm room.

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King’s Academics On and Off Campus – Alessandra Viegas

One of the reasons I chose to study at King’s College was because of the exciting module options that were not available at my home university. Growing up Portuguese in America, I was always aware and proud of my heritage, but I was never able to explore Portuguese history in an academic setting. King’s College provided me with the opportunity to connect with this part of my upbringing and identity through modules that were cross listed between my major, English Literature, and the Department of Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies.

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Settling in at the Strand and Exploring London – Alessandra Viegas

The first couple of weeks of studying abroad at King’s were a whirlwind of meeting fellow King’s students, getting acquainted with the Strand campus, and exploring London.

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