London’s Accessible and Transformative Theatre Scene – Alessandra Viegas

One of the most integral parts of my experience in London has been the access to theatre. As a playwright, I chose to study abroad in London in order to have this proximity to a vibrant community of theatre makers. Little did I know that this community would be less than a five-minute walk from …

Why Study Abroad at King’s? – Maria Clara Cobo Ordonez

As an international student in Boston, people often asked me why I wanted to go to another country for a semester if I was already abroad. And although I knew there was a reason for me wanting to do so, I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. So five months ago I packed my …

Rohini Lakhani – Non-European European Studies

While the Erasmus programme is a unique and exciting experience for all, things can be bit more complicated when your link with Europe is a bit more obscure. Let me explain: I was born and raised in Hong Kong to Indian parents and then moved to London for my degree, which includes studying abroad in …