The Journey Begins- Ainsley Stanczak

My flight to London arrived late at night. My mother accompanied me on my first few days in London because, well, she loves London. We made it to the hotel, famished, and, in true London tradition, we went for some late-night curry. Because this wasn’t my first time in London, the transition of moving to …

Why study abroad at King’s? – Claudia Pou

King’s was one of the few schools where I could actually study alongside other students in the university, rather than with other Americans in a program for study abroad students. I wanted challenging academics at a well-renowned school, with an international student body which would expose me to new ideas and cultures.

Academic benefits of studying at King’s – Claudia Pou

I picked my King’s modules to give me a more international, interdisciplinary perspective than my American-centered classes at Bowdoin. Memory in Modern Spanish Culture looked at the history of Spain in the 19th and 20th centuries through different forms of art.

The Heart of London – James Patterson

There is a cliche that sometimes you can’t see the elephant because you are standing too close to see the bigger picture, however that sentiment could not be more accurate in describing King’s College on the Strand. It was only until I started visiting other areas and places in London that I realized how central …