Living London: Terrific Tales and Divine Dines – Zoe Kaplan

I’d heard the cliché numerous times before heading on a plane out of JFK Airport: “London is just like New York City!” Many of my friends were going abroad to countries with vastly different languages, school systems, customs, and ways of life; I was going to a place that was basically the same as the …

“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it” (As You Like It): Shakespeare’s London in London – Zoe Kaplan

One of the reasons I chose King’s College was for its Shakespeare’s London course. I have loved Shakespeare since I first performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a fourth grader.

Diving Head First Into the English Channel – Zoe Kaplan

Unfortunately, I’ve always been susceptible to bouts of homesickness. My home university is just an hour and a half away from my family, and the car I take to school provides me easy access to everyone I love most.