Why Should History Students Study Abroad in Australia? – Sophie Roland

When people asked me about my plans to study abroad and I would tell them that I was going to Australia, their responses were usually the same. They all asked me ‘why?’.  ‘Why Australia?’, ‘Don’t you study history?’, ‘Isn’t that a waste of time?’.

Are the Clichés True? – Carlee Carter

It was during the middle of my third year in college when I realized just how quickly time had gone by and that I would be graduating before I knew it! I wanted to make the most out of my final year by trying something new and taking advantage of the activities and programs that …

A Guide To Switzerland- Oliwia Sobczyk

Switzerland is a unique country on many levels. It is small but rather wealthy, one of the most beautiful and breath-taking places in the whole world and at the same time a centre for banking and insurance companies. It is politically neutral and not a part of European Union but still doing great, which nowadays …