King’s Academics On and Off Campus – Alessandra Viegas

One of the reasons I chose to study at King’s College was because of the exciting module options that were not available at my home university. Growing up Portuguese in America, I was always aware and proud of my heritage, but I was never able to explore Portuguese history in an academic setting. King’s College …

Settling in at the Strand and Exploring London – Alessandra Viegas

The first couple of weeks of studying abroad at King’s were a whirlwind of meeting fellow King’s students, getting acquainted with the Strand campus, and exploring London.

Top 3 Reasons You Should Study Abroad at King’s College London – Rebecca Tseng

I loved my time at King’s, and I would definitely recommend for all study abroad students to consider applying! Going into the semester, I was nervous—after all, you can only study abroad once—but it turned out to be a decision I will never regret. Here are my top three reasons why you should consider KCL …

Highlights of Living in London – Rebecca Tseng

Studying abroad in London was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Everyday, I woke up feeling incredibly lucky to live and attend university right in the heart of London.

Thoughts from an English Major: Overview of my Four Modules at King’s- Rebecca Tseng

I am a literature major, so I was super excited to study in a city with a long legacy of celebrated authors. At King’s, I registered for two English Literature modules: “First World War Literature” and “US Slavery and the Literary Imagination.”