“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it” (As You Like It): Shakespeare’s London in London – Zoe Kaplan

One of the reasons I chose King’s College was for its Shakespeare’s London course. I have loved Shakespeare since I first performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a fourth grader. Continue reading ““I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it” (As You Like It): Shakespeare’s London in London – Zoe Kaplan”

Diving Head First Into the English Channel – Zoe Kaplan

Unfortunately, I’ve always been susceptible to bouts of homesickness. My home university is just an hour and a half away from my family, and the car I take to school provides me easy access to everyone I love most. Continue reading “Diving Head First Into the English Channel – Zoe Kaplan”

King of Host Schools – Jack Josephy

I’ve already written at length concerning the academic benefits of studying at King’s College; I feel very strongly that King’s is a premiere UK institution and an ideal destination for study abroad students of all interests. Though classes and faculty are of obvious importance in selecting a host institution, consider weighing location and resources just as heavily. Continue reading “King of Host Schools – Jack Josephy”

On Food: An Unexpected Treat – Jack Josephy

I love London for many reasons. Public transportation is cleaner and more hi-tech than in New York, so traversing the city is surprisingly easy (not at all a sticking point of culture shock). The pace matches that of Manhattan – which, to many, may seem frightening – yet the atmosphere is one of interconnected neighborhoods, promoting a far less suffocating experience. Continue reading “On Food: An Unexpected Treat – Jack Josephy”

Straight from the Source- Jack Josephy

Though I study Finance and Computer Science back in the States, I decided to enroll at King’s with a focus in history. I encourage you to take advantage of the many esteemed faculties here – if not history, try to extend beyond your major and taste something new (or of existing interest, but generally outside your degree plan). Continue reading “Straight from the Source- Jack Josephy”