My Lessons in Shakespeare and Brexit – Alida White

Studying in London was an obvious choice for me because of my academic interest in early modern theater. I wanted a university that would foster my passions, and King’s strong humanities programs made sure that that’s exactly the experience I got.

West Coast to Waterloo: The Journey Begins – Alida White

I always knew that I wanted to study abroad somewhere while I was at university. The thought of traveling halfway across the world didn’t intimidate me–I had already traveled halfway across the country to go to college. I easily narrowed my ideal location down to London because of my English Literature major and interest in …

Why Study Abroad at King’s? – Alessandra Viegas

I decided to study abroad at King’s College after much deliberation about studying abroad at all. In contemplating whether or not I was going to study abroad my junior year, I was worried that my rigorous academics at Wesleyan and my commitments outside of class would be compromised if I decided to spend the semester …

London’s Accessible and Transformative Theatre Scene – Alessandra Viegas

One of the most integral parts of my experience in London has been the access to theatre. As a playwright, I chose to study abroad in London in order to have this proximity to a vibrant community of theatre makers. Little did I know that this community would be less than a five-minute walk from …

King’s Academics On and Off Campus – Alessandra Viegas

One of the reasons I chose to study at King’s College was because of the exciting module options that were not available at my home university. Growing up Portuguese in America, I was always aware and proud of my heritage, but I was never able to explore Portuguese history in an academic setting. King’s College …