King’s Academics On and Off Campus – Alessandra Viegas

One of the reasons I chose to study at King’s College was because of the exciting module options that were not available at my home university. Growing up Portuguese in America, I was always aware and proud of my heritage, but I was never able to explore Portuguese history in an academic setting. King’s College …

Stepping into the City: Looking Back at my First Week at King’s – Rebecca Tseng

I arrived in central London with my whole semester packed in two suitcases and listening to the chaotic hubbub of the city streets, I felt both excited and overwhelmed. London is one of the most iconic places in the world and I wanted to make the most of my time here.

The Apple of my (London) Eye – Bahira Ahmed

This picture was taken at the top of the London Eye. In this moment, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of London and grateful for the opportunity I was given to study abroad. Throughout my time in London, I have been able to see so much and deeply explore the city.

LO’ve’NDON – Bahira Ahmed

This photo was taken during my first few weeks in London. It is quite significant because it shows how enthusiastic I felt about finally studying abroad. Before I started studying at King’s College London, I was both nervous and excited. I was expecting a bit of a culture shock, as I have never been to …

A History student’s survival guide to the semester BEFORE your semester abroad – Sophie Roland

Hello fellow or prospective semester abroad students! My name is Sophie and I am a second year at King’s studying a BA in History. I am currently on my semester abroad at the University of Melbourne and am loving every second, but the journey to this point was not always smooth.