Meet your Peer Advisor: Andrew!

We have four brand spanking new Peer Advisors to help both incoming and outgoing Study Abroad students this academic year! If you’ve got a question for them, pop along to their office hours.

Andrew will be in K0.57 on Monday afternoons from 2-4

Hello everyone! My name is Andrew – I’m one of four global mobility peer advisors this year.  

I’m in my final year of my BA International Relations degree, and studied abroad at the University of Hong Kong from 2022-3. 

In return for taking on some small challenges, studying abroad afforded me some incredible, unique, and rewarding experiences that I recommend everyone to have during their university. I was able to join countless societies at HKU, experience local dormitory/hall life, study politics from a different country’s perspective, choose multiple fascinating modules both related to, and separate from, my degree, and make friends –local and international – who I’m still in touch with now. Studying abroad, especially in Hong Kong, also gave me amazing opportunities to travel – I was able to easily visit Mainland China, Macau, Japan, and Vietnam. I’m sure that with Covid restrictions completely lifted, if you study abroad, your travel options will be even more diverse. 

Mask wearing was very strict in HK
Views from up high
City lights

London is a fantastic city to study abroad in. I’m sure you will visit all the normal sites like Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly, Oxford Circus, and so on, but I’d recommend to you 3 less-trafficked places of in London that I think are well worth a visit. The London Mithraeum is an Roman-era temple in London dedicated to Mithras, an Iranian, and later Roman, God. It’s free to visit, immerses you in the Roman experience, and displays religious artifacts from that time. It’s only a 10-minute tube ride from King’s! The Golden Hinde is a reconstruction of a British ship from the 1500s which circumnavigated the world. Just a stone’s throw away from there is Borough Market – in my opinion, one of the best places to get food in all of London, alongside the South Bank.  

London is well-known for its role as a global financial and legal hub. If you’re interested in law, business, and so on, I highly recommend a visit to the City of London and Canary Wharf to see the headquarters of some of the world’s largest companies and some incredible architecture. 

I’m sure questions will emerge as you get started on your academics at King’s. If you need help, feel free to speak to me in my office hours or contact the Global Mobility Office, and we will advise you and point you in the right direction.  

I wish you all the best in exploring the varied and exciting courses on offer at King’s. Have a great semester! 

Meet your Peer Advisor: Anan!

We have four brand spanking new Peer Advisors to help both incoming and outgoing Study Abroad students this academic year! If you’ve got a question for them, pop along to their office hours.

Anan will be in K0.57 on Tuesday afternoons from 2-4.

Greetings, fellow scholars! I’m Anan, your trusty Global Mobility Peer Advisor, and I’m thrilled to be your guide on this exciting academic journey. Currently, I’m immersed in my third year of studies, pursuing a degree in Geography with a focus on Environmental Science. While I may call the UK my current home, my family’s origins trace back to the vibrant cultures of India and Bangladesh. 

Now, let me pull back the curtain a bit and introduce myself more intimately. I have a deep-rooted love for travel that ignites my spirit, and I’m an unabashed foodie, always eager to embark on culinary adventures. My curiosity leads me to new horizons and experiences, and I relish every opportunity to embrace the unknown.

This past summer, I embarked on a transformative journey to ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL in Rabat, Morocco. To put it simply, it was a life-changing experience! Not only did I have the privilege of making enduring friendships, but I also dove headfirst into the captivating worlds of innovation and entrepreneurship. Morocco’s diverse landscape allowed me to explore a range of sports, from the exhilarating waves of surfing to the precision of tennis, the tranquility of golf, the focus of archery, and the camaraderie of football, pool, and table tennis. 

Some of the things I experienced on my Summer exchange!

Now, as you prepare to step into the exciting realm of academia at Kings College London, here’s a piece of sage advice from someone who’s been there: embrace every opportunity this esteemed institution has to offer. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of extracurricular activities. Engage in the vibrant society events that will bring you closer to like-minded peers. And remember, London is a treasure trove of knowledge and culture, with an array of free museums and exhibitions waiting to be explored. Don’t hesitate to grab your friends and embark on these enriching adventures.  Let’s make your academic experience at Kings College an unforgettable chapter in your life’s story. Welcome aboard, and let’s soar to new heights together!

Meet your Peer Advisor: Aitana!

We have four brand spanking new Peer Advisors to help both incoming and outgoing Study Abroad students this academic year! If you’ve got a question for them, pop along to their office hours.

Aitana will be in K0.57 on Friday mornings from 11-1.

Hi, my name is Aitana and I’m one of your Global Mobility Peer Advisors for the 2023/2024 academic year!

I am currently a fourth-year Biomedical Sciences student here at King’s. I just came back from my year abroad at Johns Hopkins University, located in Baltimore, US. For those of you that have never heard of it before (don’t worry, I hadn’t either), Baltimore is a city in between New York City and Washington DC.

Growing up, I moved around every 3 to 5 years (which was, as one would expect, exciting yet incredibly stressful). I had even moved away from my home in Switzerland to attend university here in London. I had however never been so far away from my family and friends; after all, Baltimore is a whole transatlantic journey away. Yes, it was scary and overwhelming at first, but (thankfully) I wasn’t alone! The Peer Advisors at Johns Hopkins helped me through every challenge I encountered, big or small, whether it was advising me on where to go grocery shopping or helping me navigate the university’s complicated system for choosing classes.

Going abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made; it challenged me in ways I never expected and helped me grow so much as an individual. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity, and hope that you will feel the same about your own study abroad experience.

Ice skating on the JHU campus (I’m in the colourful trousers)
A day trip to DC! I’m second from left


Now, some tips and tricks about studying in London…

London is an amazing, vibrant city with lots to offer students; I like to think of it as the New York City of Europe! I truly believe that it has something out there for everyone. If you like to go to museums, and exhibitions, you have lots (and most of them are free for students!). You can check out the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, Tate Modern, and even go to some cool immersive exhibitions like Dopamine Land, Dali cybernetics or the Van Gogh exhibit. If you’re more of a go to a park and paint or read a book kind of person, there are lots of pretty parks around London; Regent’s, St James’, Holland park, Kensington gardens, Hampstead Heath…If you’d rather do all the touristy things people first think of when they think of London, you can do that too! You can check out the London eye, Buckingham Palace, or even go on a guided tour in one of those big, red buses.

While all of this can be incredibly overwhelming, you are not alone! You have us Peer Advisors at your disposal, and you’ll be going through this experience alongside a big group of exchange students that are just as excited and overwhelmed as you are.

I’m very grateful that I get to be a part of your study abroad experience and very excited to meet you all and hear your stories!


Farewell from the Peer Advisors

The 2022-23 Peer Advisors end their roles with us this week. On their behalf, Conor has written a ‘goodbye’ post. We in Global Mobility thank them for their work and will miss them!

In the blink of an eye, the end of the academic year is upon us. Exams begin in the upcoming weeks and the summer sunshine has returned (or at least, it has in theory but not always in reality! The joys of UK weather). All of this means that our time as Peer Advisors with the Global Mobility Office is also drawing to a close. Before we finish, however, we thought it would be appropriate to offer an insight into what we have taken away from this year and the many things we have learned through our time working in the office.

The first thing to point out is that no job would be even half as fun without the work colleagues who brighten up a dark and wintry Monday morning. The Global Mobility Office is no different. Each and every member of staff has an interesting story to tell to make you smile, is on hand to make a coffee when it is most needed, or is just there to seek advice from when things aren’t going your way (in my case, most frequently with regards to the technology aspect of the job!).

Working in the Global Mobility Office has been a learning curve for each of us and has given us an insight into not only the work of this particular office but also the working world generally. We have all come to understand the significance of the work that is done here; work which affords King’s students an unrivalled opportunity to study in foreign destinations all over the globe and equally gives students from all over the globe that same opportunity to study here in London. Additionally, Peer Advisors were given the responsibility of completing tasks that affect the nature of a student’s study abroad period, such as assisting incoming students with their timetabling queries, producing a podcast to discuss concerns students may have, writing promotional Instagram posts about some of the fantastic universities King’s is partnered with, reviewing students’ study abroad applications and so much more. All of this, we sincerely hope, has benefitted a great many students, and this work will continue in the coming years when new Peer Advisors take up their roles.

Continue reading “Farewell from the Peer Advisors”

Finding Accommodation Abroad (Part 2)

We know many of you are worried about finding accommodation for a single semester abroad, so we asked Peer Advisors Raza and Emily (who both went through it!) about their experience and what advice they’d share. Here’s what Emily had to say…

When I first learnt that I secured my spot at the University of Sydney for my semester abroad I was elated! But soon I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the admin that needed to be arranged before I left, especially finding accommodation. However, the process was much easier than I anticipated and the host university was really helpful in supporting me through the process. I was asked to select my top three preferences for accommodation and soon after, they let me know that I secured my place at my first choice at the wonderful Queen Mary Building, one of the biggest student residences in the city.

View from QMB

Going into the research process, I already knew that I wanted to stay on campus in halls as I liked the social aspect of it and the 24/7 security appealed to me too! However, in Australia, it seemed more common for students to rent privately. Some of my close friends stayed in private housing and still had a fantastic time. I often visited their flat and was sometimes jealous of the homely feel that their apartment had over the halls where I was staying! When they were hunting for somewhere to live, I think they made sure to source their property from a trusted agency and asked for a viewing of the property online before paying any deposit. It can be easy for scammers to take advantage, especially when you’re trying to arrange your accommodation from overseas, but I think using a reputable agency is a surefire way to avoid this. If you’re ever in doubt, the host university is always there to help you in these situations also!

Continue reading “Finding Accommodation Abroad (Part 2)”