Academic benefits of studying at King’s College London – Elizabeth Franclemont

My decision to study abroad at King’s College was a multi-faceted one and was heavily tied to the uni’s wide array of classes, societies, and clubs. As an American Culture Studies major, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of learning about American culture in a new environment to broaden my viewpoint beyond an …

Living in the heart of London- Elizabeth Franclemont

Living in London for the past four months have been magical, prior to arriving I had thought quite a bit about my traveling experiences and any hopes or goals that I had for this journey.

Settling into life at King’s- Elizabeth Franclemont

Hi! My name is Lizzie and for the Spring of 2019, I studied abroad at King’s College in London! I’m originally from the Mid-West, but I had always dreamed of visiting London, the city is famous for its double-decker buses, incredible museums, and sites such as Tower Bridge.

A month-long tour from a 190-year-old local – Daniel Erasmus

When I had finally decided to study in London, I wanted to enroll at a university ingrained in the culture and experience which the city stands to offer. Studying abroad is as much an academic experience as a life experience, and I didn’t want to spend the next 5 months locked in a library in …