The Art of Greeting in an international City – Maria Clara Cobo Ordonez

I can still remember walking into the Pub Social during orientation and being penetrated by puzzled glances of horror when I greeted a group of students. They fell victims to the tricky social tradition that none but very few have mastered: the kiss greeting. In Latin America, greeting someone you’ve just met with a kiss …

Why Study Abroad at King’s? – Maria Clara Cobo Ordonez

As an international student in Boston, people often asked me why I wanted to go to another country for a semester if I was already abroad. And although I knew there was a reason for me wanting to do so, I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. So five months ago I packed my …

Tasting the World in London – Maria Clara Cobo Ordonez

There’s something magical about a giant glass canopy that is home to a place that brims with artisan cheeses, fresh-baked pastries, smelly fish and colorful produce. A place where you can literally taste the world, all under one roof. This place exists in London and, for the past five months I was beyond fortunate to …

Finding My Voice at King’s College- Maria Clara Cobo Ordonez

I would have never thought that the academic experience of studying in Boston and in London could be so different. King’s College does not have a specific department for the study of communications, which allowed me to take classes where communication is applied in different disciplines, helping me put my learning in a bigger, and …