Meet Your Peer Advisors: Emily

We’ve asked our 2022-23 Peer Advisors to say hello and share more about studying in London and abroad. Expect to hear more from them throughout the year!

Emily in Sydney, in front of the harbour at night.
Emily in Sydney, in front of the harbour at night.

Hello! My name is Emily and I’m a third-year BA Social Sciences student and Global Mobility Student Peer Advisor. 

I completed a semester abroad for the second semester of my second year and went to Sydney, Australia where I studied at the University of Sydney. I was quite nervous about living abroad for the first time having lived in London my whole life. I never would have guessed that my first time living away from home would involve being 10,000 miles away from friends and family and catching a 25-hour flight to get there but the wonderful Global Mobility Office supported me every step of the way and gave me the confidence I needed to go. It is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity.

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My ELA Experience in a small town- Laura Gow

A year abroad is an integral part of a language degree and will provide you with many long-lasting memories. Some of you may be considering working as an English Language assistant through the British Council scheme. This is the option I choice and I was placed in a small town in Austria called Bischofshofen located near Salzburg. Continue reading “My ELA Experience in a small town- Laura Gow”

Virtual Study Abroad at King’s in 2020! – Veronica Buerli

For the longest time I was imagining what my exchange semester in London would be like. Long walks along the Thames, evenings spent in pubs getting to know international students, afternoon tea at the Peggy Porschen café (cheesy – I know right). Well, it turned out to be quite the different experience for me – as it has for many other students as well. Covid-19 came and turned all my plans upside down. Continue reading “Virtual Study Abroad at King’s in 2020! – Veronica Buerli”

What’s it like to study at King’s? – Jack Farrell

My academic experience at King’s was incredibly positive. There were so many interesting classes to take across a wide variety of subjects, and, as a liberal arts student, this was particularly useful to satisfy the requirements of my American university. Courses (also known as modules) at KCL are structured in a very similar way to my home university: they meet several times per week and larger lectures have ‘break-out’ discussion sections weekly. Lectures can be large (over 100 students) or smaller (less than 50) depending on how many students are in that department and they are usually posted online to watch later if needed. Some classes even take field trips, and one of mine took me to the London Zoo and Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, a Continue reading “What’s it like to study at King’s? – Jack Farrell”