Picking the right destination: My Experience- Kacper Brudnik

Hello! My name is Kacper and I’m an Economics and Management student currently in my second year. I’m doing my year abroad in Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. I want to share my experiences and tips about studying abroad. Let me begin by giving a few tips on how to pick a destination that is right for you. It is very important to consider academic reasons as well as cultural reasons when you make up your mind. Continue reading “Picking the right destination: My Experience- Kacper Brudnik”

A Semester in the Pacific, Cassy Grant

I arrived in Lima on the 4th of March at 6pm and immediately discovered two of the most typical characteristics of the city. As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I was hit by a wave of humidity. Indeed, the Peruvian capital’s level of humidity reaches 80% during the summer and up to a 100% during the winter. It felt as if I had landed in the middle of the Amazon forest.

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Loving Your Degree 101: My Summer Abroad, Jhanelle White

Sometimes there is such a thing as too much science. And after having completed two years of my chemistry undergrad, after two years of science-based A-levels, I was more than ready to admit that.

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A very rough guide to (Bae)jing, Kartik Rajpal

No study abroad experience comes without it challenges–whether its cultural differences, language frustrations, being surrounded by strangers, or getting used to the food. Beijing is no exception to the rule. To help you on your journey, here are a few ways I believe you can make your time in Beijing, and perhaps the rest of china, a bit easier.

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