Studying abroad – Student testimonials from Yonsei University

As part of our new blog series, we have compiled some testimonials from students about their experiences studying abroad and with the Global Mobility Office. The testimonials are sorted by region and cover a wide range of subjects, departments, and universities in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania.

Yonsei University – South Korea
















Student: Elena 

Subject: Physics and Philosophy

Many Physics students spend a summer working in a lab, gaining research and work experience. Elena followed this path—however, her lab experience took her all the way to Korea, where she spent 7 weeks as a summer exchange student at Yonsei University. She felt applying to Yonsei would be a great opportunity to mix her desire to both study and work abroad, and during her time there, she took advantage of every opportunity Yonsei had on offer. Elena’s day would start with classes in computational mathematics, which were followed with an hour working in a lab researching medical physics, and then Korean classes.

Each part of her experience at Yonsei was enriching in its own right. Her morning classes let her dive deeper into different parts of Physics with expert professors, whilst the Korean classes offered a great opportunity to study a language in an intense, formal setting with real-world practice opportunities just outside. In her lab research, she was the only undergrad among 7 PhD students , providing her with many mentorship opportunities and a unique experience of high-level research that few other students have.

However, these courses only took up 4 days each week. In her spare time, Elena took advantage of Yonsei’s central location to explore all of Seoul, travelling with friends to old imperial palaces, amusement parks, local hiking routes, mountains, famous restaurants, and even booked weekend trips to other parts of Korea, such as Busan.  


Overall, Yonsei presented a highly rewarding and enjoyable experience for Elena—even if she does remark that it was, at times, quite intense. She highly recommends Yonsei to anyone curious about Korean culture, and studying  abroad as a way of gaining unique work, academic, and cultural experience in a place of interest for you. 


Studying abroad – Student testimonials from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

As part of our new blog series, we have compiled some testimonials from students about their experiences studying abroad and with the Global Mobility Office. The testimonials are sorted by region and cover a wide range of subjects, departments, and universities in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania


University of Sao Paulo – Brazil (Faculty of Medicine) 









Student: Jessica

Subject: Medicine


Jessica, a Medicine student at KCL, had a unique opportunity to visit and study with the University of Sao Paulo’s medical department and hospital for two weeks as part of her degree.  


This offered her great opportunities to learn about and expand on her passion about women’s health through, among other experiences, clinical placements, medical theatre visits, lectures, and seminars. She was also able to take part in health economics lectures, which she found really interesting and let her draw comparisons between medical care in the UK and Brazil. She also found the series gave her great opportunities to network and collaborate on research projects.  


By the end, her time definitely made her passionate about women’s health on a global scale, and Jessica found the entire experience a fantastic way to explore her interests and had much to consider for her future career. A particular highlight for her was getting to see her first neurosurgery ever, and she found the entire experience an outstanding way to learn about medicine on an international scale. 

Studying abroad – Student testimonials from Sorbonne University, France

As part of our new blog series, we have compiled some testimonials from students about their experiences studying abroad and with the Global Mobility Office. The testimonials are sorted by region and cover a wide range of subjects, departments, and universities in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania


Sorbonne University – France

Student: Jessica 

Subject: Modern Languages (French and Spanish)  

As part of her Modern Languages degree, Jessica was required to spend time studying in a French-language institution, giving her a chance to put her learning into practice. She made the most of Sorbonne University’s vast academic offerings, taking a class on Paris in the 1600s and the history of France’s royal family. Jessica felt she was easily able to tailor her year abroad experience, getting chances to learn more about subjects that interested her, particularly French history and culture. 
In her spare time, Jessica took advantage of Sorbonne University’s location and explored Paris, visiting the Catacombs, the Pantheon, the French War Museum, the Paris National Opera, the Louvre, and many other exhibitions and institutions dedicated to famous French figures.  
This experience left her feeling extremely glad to have been able to study abroad, and thoroughly recommends the experience to anyone interested in learning more about other cultures and nations. 


Studying abroad – Student testimonials from Utrecht University, the Netherlands

As part of our new blog series, we have compiled some testimonials from students about their experiences studying abroad and with the Global Mobility Office. The testimonials are sorted by region and cover a wide range of subjects, departments, and universities in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania.


Utrecht University – the Netherlands

Student: Nicole 

Subject: Liberal Arts (Film and Philosophy) 


Nicole initially applied to study abroad as she had previously visited Utretcht to study an Art and Design course and found that an exchange to Utretcht was a perfect opportunity to learn more about her passions in the art world. She studied 17th  century Dutch Art, attending lectures, visiting museums, and took part in classes, art field trips, and guided tours to various  galleries across the Netherlands, including in Amsterdam.  


Nicole found this exchange was a great opportunity to travel and meet new people, and grow her confidence as someone who had never solo travelled before.  She used her free time to explore Utretcht and other cities, and highly recommends studying abroad to all students who are interested in her experience.  

Studying abroad – Student testimonials from University of North Carolina, USA

As part of our new blog series, we have compiled some testimonials from students about their experiences studying abroad and with the Global Mobility Office. The testimonials are sorted by region and cover a wide range of subjects, departments, and universities in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania.


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC) – USA 

Student: Sophie  

Subject: Politics 


Sophie described her study abroad experience as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She’d always loved the idea of studying in another country, and at UNC, she took multiple classes on her particular interest in American Politics. Her courses ranged from deep-dives into American democracy’s operation to insights into different governing systems worldwide. She also found studying abroad was a great way to develop her confidence and networking skills, and she has returned to the King’s with new knowledge in the mix of fields she studied, including history, politics, and public policy.


 In her downtime, Sophie took full advantage of North Carolina’s location on the East Coast and took trips to, among other places, Washington  D.C and New Orleans, exploring everything the cities had to offer, including sights, museums, and cuisines!   


She also spent plenty of time on the beautiful campus, where she found UNC’s campus life to be incredible, and felt a real sense of community, especially during the university’s sporting events. Now, she says she wouldn’t have gone anywhere else for her study abroad, and highly recommends UNC for those who are interested in everything American.