Category Archives: Insights

Conference Event: Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre

International Conference (online): 2nd – 4th December 2021

Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre: Authors, Actors, Printers, Playhouses, and Their Texts

This international conference takes into view the intricate interplay of numerous agents in the early modern dramatic arena: authors and their respective playing companies, actors, printers, and playhouses. 21 speakers from Australia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, and the US will discuss a spectrum of collaborative practices between these various agents in the early modern dramatic arena. Situated at the intersection of literary studies, cultural studies, and early modern history, the conference aims to explore concepts of early modern collaboration and, consequently, of early modern authorship.

Keynote Speakers:

Lucy Munro (Professor of Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature, King’s College, London, ): Heminges and Condell and Shakespeare

Andy Kesson (University of Roehampton, London): “I was appointed to perform this work” (Aemelia Lanyer): What Is Early Modern Attribution?

Tiffany Stern (Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham): Product Placement in the Time of Shakespeare

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Red Light, Green Light

By Jane Elliott

The Korean TV drama Squid Game is Netflix’s most popular show ever, having reached the number one spot in ninety countries. It tells the story of a diverse group of characters, all heavily in debt, who agree to compete in a series of traditional children’s games with untraditional stakes: losers are killed and the final survivor takes the entire jackpot. Continue reading Red Light, Green Light

On an Ecstatic Return to the Archives

By Beth Potter

As I write this, by hand at first to keep things loose and free, I sit before a document on my laptop screen, a dense 39 pages of notes. Its title is ‘BBC Written Archives visit’, and I compiled it in early September during three intense – enriching, nourishing, project-broadening, but intense – days in Caversham a few weeks ago, during which my neck cracked a thousand times and no amount of shoulder rolls saved my back from the archive ache.

Continue reading On an Ecstatic Return to the Archives

Black History Month 2021: Shakespeare, Race and Performance

Black History Month 2021

As part of the series Black History Month, Professor Farah Karim-Cooper will be speaking on Shakespeare, Race and Performance at the Museum of London.

TUESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2021, 6:00PM – 7:00PM (also live-streaming).

How do Shakespeare’s familiar plays Othello and Romeo and Juliet reflect the early modern preoccupation with race and emerging concepts of colour-based racism? How do these ideas play out in early modern as well as in contemporary performance?

Continue reading Black History Month 2021: Shakespeare, Race and Performance

An Office of One’s Own: Introducing Dr Emma Butcher

By Emma Butcher

I’m writing this sat in my lovely new office. I’m not used to having a space all to myself, so it feels apt that my first ‘office of one’s own’ is situated in the Virginia Woolf Building. It’s quite a lovely moment at this point in the year, even if slightly chaotic, with the new term around the corner and the campus once again starting to bustle after a year and half’s painful lull caused by the pandemic.

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