Evaluation and Reflection, Technologies

Part 2: Video Games Live Streaming for Student Engagement

This article has been divided in two parts. Part 1 discusses the bakground and reasoning behind the initiative, as well as how the actual proccess was carried out. Part 2 discusses the lessons learned and the conclusions drawn from carrying out such a project.

In this section I have thrown together some of the lessons we learnt from the engagement.   Continue reading “Part 2: Video Games Live Streaming for Student Engagement”

Sea of Thieves 5
Evaluation and Reflection, Technologies

Part 1: Video Games Live Streaming for Student Engagement

This article has been divided in two parts. Part 1 discusses the bakground and reasoning behind the initiative, as well as how the actual proccess was carried out. Part 2 discusses the lessons learned and the conclusions drawn from carrying out such a project. Continue reading “Part 1: Video Games Live Streaming for Student Engagement”