In May 2019 the King’s Business School launched a KEATS-based bespoke education hub to act as a one-stop central space to support teaching and learning, list key dates and build a vibrant learning community. It responds to concerns that good practice was not being shared effectively, version control of documents was problematic, and there was no repository to support initiatives such as peer review, GTA induction and education strategy projects. The aim is for it to become a powerful vehicle to enhance pedagogic practice, facilitate communication between staff, increase productivity by offering highly efficient and effective tools for educational delivery and share best practice around digital education.
Tag: learning
A Graduate’s Journey in King’s

The moment I walked through the doors signposted ‘King’s College’ with the hallmark red labels, I realised this job was unlike many first graduate jobs. My first three thoughts were research, specialist and “I’m just a grad”. Continue reading “A Graduate’s Journey in King’s”