Co-Editors Alexander Giesen and Felix Antelme introduce themselves and invite submissions.

Co-Editors Alexander Giesen and Felix Antelme introduce themselves and invite submissions.
Freshers’ Week
The Guide for English Department Freshers 2022-23 is now available. It offers a student perspective on studying English at King’s and addresses some issues of concern for new students.
At a time when our English Department community is already facing the challenges caused and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we also want to reflect and act on recent events in the US and the UK surrounding police brutality, institutional racism, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
The whole UK university sector, including King’s, needs to address issues such as the BAME awarding gap, the continuing presence of Prevent on our campuses, the need to decolonise the curriculum, the lack of people of colour in permanent faculty positions and leadership positions, and the level of surveillance and oppression faced by BAME students.
As an English Department, we want to stand together to work in solidarity towards racial liberation and we also want to do what we can to provide resources to centre these issues for our students.
Below is a list of various resources that we hope will provide support for those of you who have already been dealing with the impacts of racism or white supremacy directly, and information for those of you who are engaging with these issues in newer ways.