
Induction Week Somersetting Takeover: Reviewing London Libraries for KCL Students

By Tanzim Kamali

Each year, departing third-year students in our department put together a guide for arriving first years. This year’s magazine – titled “Somersetting” – offers a student perspective on studying English at King’s and addresses some issues of concern for new students. During induction week, the blog will be spotlighting sections of this year’s magazine.

Next up… Tanzim Kamali reviews some of London’s libraries.

Interviews Long Read

Induction Week Somersetting Takeover: Interview with Dr Carl Kears

By Carl Kears and Cornelia Sheppard Dawson

Each year, departing third-year students in our department put together a guide for arriving first years. This year’s magazine – titled “Somersetting” – offers a student perspective on studying English at King’s and addresses some issues of concern for new students. During induction week, the blog will be spotlighting sections of this year’s magazine.

First up… Cornelia Sheppard Dawson interviews Dr Carl Kears, Head of First Year and Lecturer in Medieval Literature.


Looking Back at June’s KCL PGR Conference

By George Kowalik (editor)

Back in March, the department’s PGR community received an email about an upcoming in-house conference. June’s event would be the first time the annual conference had taken place online, and this year papers would be on the theme of “pause/progress: interruption as possibility.”

Culture, Text and History Insights

Virginia Woolf – A Room of One’s Own (22 Kingsway) … the English Department … Mental Health Awareness …

By Graham Fifoot (editor)

At 22 Kingsway, a life-sized Virginia Woolf wax work is exhibited inside a room of her own in the foyer of the Virginia Woolf King’s College London building. Eleanor Crook’s wax work creation is dressed in clothing modelled after the dress, shawl and hat that Woolf famously wore in a 1923 photograph taken by Lady Ottoline Morell.

Insights Life writing, Creative writing and Performance

INTERVIEW: KCL Professor of Poetry Ruth Padel on mythology, restoration and ‘Daughters of the Labyrinth’

As part of the interview series Writers on Research, Joe Bedford speaks to KCL Professor of Poetry Ruth Padel about the research process behind her new book Daughters of the Labyrinth released on 1/7/21.