5 reasons why I love Robotics

Arindam Ghosh
By Arindam, MSc Robotics

It’s a exciting time to learn about the technology and various nuances of robotics, as we are witnessing the robotics revolution over the horizon. The assimilation of knowledge through robotics anchors the technical foundation of all upcoming technical innovations, which is my biggest motivation in studying this wonderful subject. There is lots to love about the field, but in this post I’ll chalk out my top five reasons:

1. The technology of the future

According to a recent study, the robotics industry is poised to grow at a rate of more than forty percent in the next decade, which is three times the growth figures compared to the previous few decades. It is estimated that with technological advancements, robots will be a major driving force for building a sustainable future. Even today, the term ‘robot’ is used synonymously with the latest buzzwords like automation, artificial intelligence, and big data, envisioning a near future where humans and machines seamlessly interact to achieve solutions to real-world problems. Getting an opportunity to learn and contribute towards this vision is thrilling!


2. Enriching interdisciplinary knowledge

Ever wondered how good it would be to combine various technologies from different domains to build something incredible? The study of robotics offers precisely that opportunity to amalgamate domain knowledge ranging from physics and mathematics to electronics and machine learning, as robots are complex machines build with multiple layers of technology. I have always been passionate to understand various mechanisms and technology dynamics, and this subject provides me a comprehensive technical viewpoint.


3. Scope for creativity

Robotic systems are designed for various applications, ranging from industrial part assembly to home cleaning solutions. This gives freedom to modify or build a tailored robots which are best-suited for specific requirements. To take an example, Amazon recently unveiled warehouse bots, that use vacuum grippers to hold boxes, which are well suited for logistic operations.


4. Abundant research scope in niche technology sectors

The development of robotics is still in early stages, which provides abundant research scope in the core robotics system as well as related technology domains such as smart materials, Internet Of Things, and nanotechnology. The scope for research covers a wide array of subjects that vary from precision robotics for surgical and health science applications, to futuristic innovations like intelligent humanoid robots which are capable of human speech and cognitive movements.


5. Broad career opportunities

Want to build the latest generation of drones? How about self-driving smart cars with enhanced capabilities? Or just build a huge assembly bot that works on the conveyor belt to packaging your favorite food. Big players in the industry (like Amazon, ABB, Tesla, Bosch, Mitsubishi and Honda, for example) are leveraging heavily on the untapped potential of robotics to drive the next level of industrial growth.


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