Seize the opportunity! Tips for MSc Financial Mathematics students

By Vansikha, MSc Financial Mathematics

It’s unfortunate how so many people start postgraduate studies without a game plan, or without a strong passion for their subject. Whilst I agree that undertaking an MSc is a lot of commitment in terms of energy, resources and time, it’s also important to understand what your course has to offer so that you can make the most of the fantastic opportunities that it will provide! Given this, I thought it would be useful to provide an overview of things to look our for, to help you maximize the opportunities provided at King’s. 


1. Come prepared!

An average day for MSc Financial Mathematics students consists of one lecture and one tutorial, although this may vary slightly depending on your modules. Tutorials are generally quite flexible, consisting of a discussion of pre-assigned tasks which are to be completed each week before the session. The more prepared you are, the more enriching the tutorial!

Outside of class, you generally spend a good amount of time doing readings and preparations for your various assignments.  It’s important to check in with your personal tutor once in a while too, in case things seem to go haywire or if a second opinion is needed about anything concerning academia or otherwise.  

2. Make the most of King’s facilities 

King’s is a great platform to learn about “Bloomberg” and other trading or coding tools too. So on the days that are relatively free, you can get some fantastic first-hand practice in trading or coding at the Mathematics Trading Room!

3. Engage with career development opportunities

There are also lots of interesting careers fairs that take place throughout the academic year, and so a large chunk of your time will also be dedicated to learning about companies, networking and applying for internships/jobs. Keep an eye out for upcoming events, and make the effort to attend!

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