KURF: Reflections of a Summer as an Undergraduate Research Fellow at King’s

By Fatima Khan

Third-year English Literature student Fatima Khan reflects on her experience as an Undergraduate Research Fellow as part of King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship (KURF).

This year, I spent the summer working as an Undergraduate Research Fellow as part of King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme, also known as KURF.

Continue reading KURF: Reflections of a Summer as an Undergraduate Research Fellow at King’s

Somersetting Magazine: English Student Reps’ Advice to Freshers

Each year, departing third-year students in the English department put together a guide for arriving first years. This year’s Somersetting magazine offers a student perspective on studying English at King’s and addresses some issues of concern for new students. 

I present English Student Representatives, Giulia Cellerini and Madiha Qureshi, in conversation with Dr Josh Davies, Senior Lecturer in Medieval Literature. The student reps share advice that they would give to first-year students starting their time in King’s English Department.

Continue reading Somersetting Magazine: English Student Reps’ Advice to Freshers

A Reflection on the KCL PGR 2022 Conference

By Samantha Seto (editor)

In June 2022, the English Department’s PGR community circulated the brilliant news about an annual conference. The event was a hybrid presentation as it took place in-person and online. It welcomed research presentations from postgraduate students at UK and international universities. This year’s papers addressed the theme of “Terms and Conditions: Methods and Disciplines of Knowledge.”

Continue reading A Reflection on the KCL PGR 2022 Conference

Oh Mother by RashDash, Soho Theatre (19th July-13th August 2022)

By Subha Robert William

RashDash’s Oh Mother opens up with mess. Abi and Helen find themselves in a place of undoing. As they are left with just five minutes before the show starts, things around them are in disarray. Continue reading Oh Mother by RashDash, Soho Theatre (19th July-13th August 2022)