
Opportunity for an hourly-paid teaching role on the Online MA in Global Cultures

7ABLGC07 Creative Leadership for Global Challenges (Online) 

Putting your developing understanding of global cultures into practice, in this module you will learn how the study of leadership through arts and humanities can make a real, beneficial and transformative impact on some of the world’s most pressing problems. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, this module will analyse a selection of case studies and creative works that can help to understand the modern complexities of leadership. As a global citizen, you will think in a sustained and critical way about how precisely the study of these diverse case studies (their qualities, subtleties, ambiguities, and dilemmas) can offer constructive frameworks, creative outlets, and reparative approaches that can all serve to think critically about leadership and challenges relevant to global cultures. Studying leadership from an arts and humanities perspective will give students the tools, the insight, and the understanding to ask questions, challenge underlying assumptions, and think critically and across disciplines to understand the complexity and interconnection of global challenges. Students will be asked to share their experiences in relation to leadership as they relate to the readings. When appropriate, references to academic studies and theories of leadership will also be made.


Teaching Dates: March 6th– April 10th2024; Marking Window April 19th– May 6th2024


The successful applicant will have 15 hours teaching divided in the following pattern:

  • 6 x 1-hour online seminar per week (via MS Teams)
  • 6 x 1.5-hour participation time per week allocated for online discussion forums (via KEATS)

The successful application will have approx. 15 x 3,000 word assessments to mark within a 2-week turnaround.


Who should apply?


Applicants would need to have a PhD or equivalent and have the right to work in the UK.


The payment is £23.67 per hour, with two preparation hours for every classroom hour. The role will also include payment for 6 x 1 hour (online) office hours and 1 hour per-script marking.


To apply:


If you wish to apply, please email a CV and short statement (500 words max.) to George Legg (Head of Liberal Arts) at


Closing date is 9am Monday 19thFebruary. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed between 10am-12pm on Tuesday 20thFebruary(online).