A day in the life of a Computer Science student


Ahdra Merali, BSc Computer Science and Management, Department of Informatics

At 7am the sound of my alarm rips through my dreams and pulls me back into reality. I groggily make my bed, get showered, and dressed. Water rinses the sleep from my eyes and I head to the shared kitchen to grab breakfast. My typical breakfast includes a smoothie that I made the night before (my flatmates don’t really appreciate being woken to the sound of my blender) and either a banana or a tangerine or both if I’m particularly hungry. While I’m in the kitchen I’ll pack my lunch for the day – usually some sandwich and fruit combo – before heading back to my room to grab my bag. At this point I’ll double check that I’m dressed for the weather, you never really forget dressing for summer in 2 degree winds.

I try to leave by 8:20 latest so I can walk to uni. It’s roughly a 30 minute walk and it’s quite relaxing. It provides me with some time to mentally prepare for the day ahead. My favourite part is crossing over from south bank to north bank. Sometimes, if I time it right, I’ll get to see the sunrise reflected over the Thames.

Once I get to campus, if I have no labs at 9, I try to get some work done, usually lecture notes or independent work in the labs, after which I attend the necessary labs, tutorials, and lectures. On most days I finish by 2pm, which is when I grab a couple of friends to have lunch with. If the weather is nice we’ll venture out to Covent Garden or Leicester Square, or anywhere nearby for a little break away from the computers. If the weather isn’t too good we try to go to the KCLSU or a café nearby so that we have a change of scenery.

I do try and get a little work done after this, usually emails or any errands I need to run in the area. If I have a lot of coursework to do I’ll head back to Bush House to get that done. Otherwise I head back to my flat by 7pm.

At home I’ll cook something quick and eat with my flatmates. It’s nice that we have this time to bond, it makes the flat feel more like a family. After dinner I do my dishes and prepare breakfast for the next day. I get ready for bed and either use my phone or read a book until around 11pm, at which point I decide to go to sleep.

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