Why I chose to study Physics at King’s


By Jamie Clifford, BSc Physics, Department of Physics

Why King’s? The ultimate question for offer holders making the choice between KCL and another less exquisite university. It is a hard question considering the time spent at university and the experiences that will be made. So why choose the experience offered and promised here?

I am a science student, so I took a strategic approach to my decision. From a mathematician’s point of view, the statistics show the high student satisfaction and the successful job applicants. From a physicist’s view point, the renovations and modern equipment are very tempting. Besides who wouldn’t want to be in the same learning environment as the well known James Clerk Maxwell? From the point of view of a woman, the gender ratio seems safe and reassuring. All these reasons make for a good university experience, but that requires a trust in the university prospectus. I took a chance on King’s because of its location and statistics.

I did have the option to attend my insurance choice and had the grades to aspire higher, however I was firm with my choice and I wasn’t going anywhere else!

I had the opportunity to attend multiple welcome lectures at King’s for both mathematics and physics; I was pleasantly surprised to witness the enthusiasm and intelligence of some of the lectures. One particularly will always be remembered, it was a lecture on neutrinos by Eugene Lim. I was at the time in my final year of A-levels and presented a less extravagant version of his lecture to my sixth form’s physics society. It captivated my fellow students and pushed them to do further research themselves. This showed me that King’s lecturers have the power to spread their affection for a topic to students of all ages.

On top of all the great lecturers, the range of societies offered were incredible. Not only sports but also cultural activities were available to all students no matter their religion or knowledge of the society itself.

Personally I have made the most of my time at King’s, it has paid off by being the best university I could have asked for and I wouldn’t change a thing.

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