Early Modern and Shakespeare Insights

Conference Event: Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre

International Conference (online): 2nd – 4th December 2021

Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre: Authors, Actors, Printers, Playhouses, and Their Texts

This international conference takes into view the intricate interplay of numerous agents in the early modern dramatic arena: authors and their respective playing companies, actors, printers, and playhouses. 21 speakers from Australia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, and the US will discuss a spectrum of collaborative practices between these various agents in the early modern dramatic arena. Situated at the intersection of literary studies, cultural studies, and early modern history, the conference aims to explore concepts of early modern collaboration and, consequently, of early modern authorship.

Keynote Speakers:

Lucy Munro (Professor of Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature, King’s College, London, ): Heminges and Condell and Shakespeare

Andy Kesson (University of Roehampton, London): “I was appointed to perform this work” (Aemelia Lanyer): What Is Early Modern Attribution?

Tiffany Stern (Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham): Product Placement in the Time of Shakespeare

Registration: To participate in this online event, please register with

For more details on the conference programme, please visit:



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