This week we talked to Kaye Blegvad, author of the incredible “Dog Years: An illustrated Book About Mental Health” her experience of living with depression, including friendships, genetics and stigma. How did you come up with the idea of a naughty black dog to represent your depression? I…

I have just finished reading a book by the British clinical psychologist David Smail (1938 – 2014), called “Power Interest and Psychology: Elements of a materialist understanding of distress”. My housemate bought Smail’s book after I complained that his opinions on mental health were out of date, based on literature…

Last year, Rosa [Cheesman, EDIT Lab PhD student] wrote about the state of refugees’ mental health in camps, and the factors underpinning resilience to mental health issues as a result of trauma. Continuing the theme, Shivani [Parikh, EDIT Lab placement student] has investigated how the Syrian Civil War might alter children’s development. This article…

In any given year, one in four people experience a mental health problem, and for 81% their first contact with mental health services is through their GP. However, knowing how to explain how you’re feeling to someone who isn’t a trained psychologist can be incredibly difficult. Last year, the mental…

Thalia’s recent blog post highlighted the devastating fact that suicide is now the leading cause of death of young people (ages 20-34) in England and Wales. Moreover, the issue of the gender difference in suicide rates was raised. Thalia’s post noted that “whilst women are much more likely to be…

It might surprise you that your body is made up of only 10% human cells. There are trillions of microscopic creatures living and dying all over you, and these are particularly diverse and numerous in the human gut. Mounting evidence suggests that microbes aren’t all enemies but are vital to…
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