We realised that despite having run our blog for over 5 years, and many of us using twin data, we had not yet written a brief overview of the twin method. Here Prof Thalia Eley provides a summary of the main principles underlying the approach. …
In the second of this pair of blogs, Prof Thalia Eley reflects on resilience from the perspective of a senior academic. If you missed our previous blog where Dr Kirstin Purves answered the same questions from the perspective of the early career researcher, you can read it here. …
In this blog Prof Thalia Eley shares some reflections on the difficulties of balancing life and an academic career in the context of a chronic condition. We think much of what she has learned may apply to those finding themselves slow to recover from Covid.
In this blog, Dr Kirstin Purves, a post-doc in the EDIT Lab put various questions about the career paths ahead to Prof Thalia Eley. We hope this might be useful to others experiencing this challenging career stage. The focus here is primarily on options within academia, but of course there…
In our most recent round of hiring for a Research Assistant, we noticed that unfortunately, many of the candidates were unable to produce a high quality and concise job application. We estimate that around 10 applications of the [100+] we received effectively conveyed their skills and experience in a clear…
People often believe that those who struggle with a mental illness can ‘snap out of it’ or ‘get a grip’ but this isn’t true. The severity of symptoms can vary both between people and over time, but this doesn’t mean that the mental illness is no longer present. Beliefs like…
For the letter G, Thalia [Eley, EDIT Lab director] walks us through gene-environment correlation, a topic we think will become increasingly widely explored as methods for understanding genetic influence improve.
Thalia Eley is a Professor of Developmental Behavioural Genetics and Director of the EDIT lab, King’s College London. She is also Wife of Giles and Mum of Justin, Pasco and Theo. In this post Thalia discusses five points that have helped her to juggle life both inside and outside of…
One of the most striking findings I have read in 30 years of reading psychological development research papers was that half of all anxiety disorders begin before the individual is aged 11.
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