In the second of this pair of blogs, Prof Thalia Eley reflects on resilience from the perspective of a senior academic. If you missed our previous blog where Dr Kirstin Purves answered the same questions from the perspective of the early career researcher, you can read it here. …
In the first of a pair of blogs, Dr Kirstin Purves reflects on resilience from the perspective of an early career researcher. Next up will be the sister blog where Prof Thalia Eley will answer the same questions from the perspective of a senior academic. What…
In fact, there’s no single cause for anxiety and depression. Find out more in Molly’s post, as part of the EDIT Blog Mythbusters series. “But we already know that anxiety and depression are caused by _______.” When I talk to people about our team’s research and our goal of…
Continuing our A to Z series, Meredith [placement student] describes in this blog post the concept of mental well-being.
Why do some people struggle emotionally after experiencing stressful events, but not others?
The idea that talking about your feelings is a good thing is definitely not new. Folk wisdom dictates “Get it off your chest and you’ll feel better” and research seems to agree. Experimental research in the last few decades has explored the mechanisms of verbalizing affect more closely.
Last year, Rosa [Cheesman, EDIT Lab PhD student] wrote about the state of refugees’ mental health in camps, and the factors underpinning resilience to mental health issues as a result of trauma. Continuing the theme, Shivani [Parikh, EDIT Lab placement student] has investigated how the Syrian Civil War might alter children’s development. This article…
A friend of mine recently posted this picture of a coffee mug, superimposed with the quote: “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” The message stuck with me. It can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, such that we…
As rates of depression and anxiety rise, it isn’t too surprising that social attitudes towards mental illness have improved considerably. However, as the current economic climate continues to strain our mental health, it also demands us to stay positive in the face of stress and uncertainty. Have we become so…
Every year millions of children are faced with the severe consequences associated with war and displacement. The traumatising effects of witnessing scenes of graphic violence as a young child are difficult to overestimate and even harder to reverse. In the face of such extreme adversity, it is important to understand…
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