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EDIT Lab guest contributor

S for Sexual Orientation

By | A-Z

Next in the ‘A-Z’ series is S for Sexual Orientation. Higher rates of psychological distress among sexual minorities is not due to shared genetic influences. In this blog, Kunle looks at applying genetic research designs to investigate the links between sexual orientation and mental health difficulties.         …

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O for OCD

By | A-Z

Next in the ‘A-Z’ series is O for OCD. Bioresource Placement Student Hollie details her own lived experience with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).             Introduction My name is Hollie and I’m a final year psychology student at the University of Bath, and last year I…

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Autistic Pride Day 2023

By | The Wider World

Sunday 18th June was Autistic Pride Day 2023. In this blog, Bioresource Placement Student Nathan outlines the historical development of how autism has been perceived and reflects on the societal implications of shifting from the Medical Paradigm to the Neurodiversity Paradigm of perceiving autism.            …

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