

Anxiety in the family

By | Research Matters

Yasmin [EDIT Lab PhD student] outlines our latest publication on anxiety symptoms in the family. Anxiety in parents is associated with anxiety in offspring, but it’s not yet clear how this happens. We conducted the first study to use a ‘genetically sensitive’ research design to examine the effects of mother,…

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How does parental depression influence child behaviour outcomes? A large adoption study supports the mediating role of overreactive parenting.

By | Research Matters

This week on the blog, Daniel [EDIT Lab PhD student] summarises the findings of a recently published study by Taraban et al. investigating the influence of parental depression on the development of behaviour problems in children through its effect on parenting.   Parenting can be stressful, so it comes as…

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The juggling life of an academic

By | Life Scientific

Thalia Eley is a Professor of Developmental Behavioural Genetics and Director of the EDIT lab, King’s College London. She is also Wife of Giles and Mum of Justin, Pasco and Theo. In this post Thalia discusses five points that have helped her to juggle life both inside and outside of…

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