

M for Minimal Phenotyping

By | A-Z

Next in the ‘A-Z’ series is M for Minimal Phenotyping. Reaching the huge sample sizes needed for identifying the genetic basis of psychological traits is challenging. In this blog, Alicia and Patrycja look at minimal phenotyping as an approach to overcome sample size challenges.           One…

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D for Differential Susceptibility

By | A-Z
Shifting the focus from just 'vulnerability.' In this blog, Alicia Peel explores differential susceptibility and how it develops our understanding of the gene-environment interaction. Alicia Peel, EDIT Lab PhD student           Why is it that not all people who experience the same event will react in...
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Doing a MSc at the SGDP center

By | Life Scientific

Alicia and Katie, EDIT Lab PhD student and research assistant, discuss what it is like to undertake a Masters degree at the SGDP Centre, reflecting on their experiences of studying Genes, Environment and Development in Psychology and Psychiatry (or GED-PP as it is known). 

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