Excerpt from the Student Assessment of Their Learning Gains questionnaire

Questionnaires for evaluating teaching

December 18, 2019 Mira Vogel 1

This is an evaluation guide. What is it? A questionnaire is an efficient, economical way to obtain a large amount of responses. When administered digitally, questionnaires scale up with minimal extra resource since they tend […]

"The Threshold of Democracy: Athens in 403 B.C." at Queens College, CUNY in Fall 2012


August 20, 2019 Mira Vogel 0

What is it? Role-play is experiential learning based on perspective-taking within a scenario. Participants inform themselves about the viewpoint of an interest group or character and then perform that role according to a set of […]

Students sit round a table in a small room concentrating on a problem.

Problem-based learning

August 9, 2019 Mira Vogel 0

What is it? Tutorial groups of eight to twelve students address realistic, ill-structured scenarios in complex, interdisciplinary domains, through a defined sequence of steps facilitated by a tutor. PBL is a curriculum approach – a […]


August 5, 2019 Mary Seabrook 0

What is it? Brainstorming is a method used to generate multiple answers or ideas.  It encourages creativity and divergent thinking which can be used to solve problems or answer questions.  It was popularised by Alex […]

Six thinking hats

May 17, 2019 Jayne Pearson 0

What is it? The thinking hats activity originates from Edward De Bono’s (1985) Six Thinking Hats book about the process of lateral and creative thinking. It is largely associated with Business Management, but can be […]

Pinwheel discussions

May 16, 2019 Jayne Pearson 0

What is it? Pinwheel discussions are often used to consider and discuss a topic from different perspectives and points of view. They can be used when there is an particular topic or controversial question to […]

Hand holding phone displaying Polleverywhere response system

Tests and polls

May 6, 2019 Mira Vogel 0

What is it? Tests, sometimes known as Quizzes, are usually no-stakes or low stakes opportunities for learning (i.e. students work with knowledge as well as recalling what they already know) which can take place within […]