Why I chose to stay at King’s for my PhD (Physics)


By Laia Delgado Callico, PhD Physics, Department of Physics

My story at King’s started two years ago, when I was choosing a Postgraduate Taught course. I had been living in London for six months completing a research project in the Chemistry Department at Imperial College and I was determined to continue with my education in science, all I had to do was choose where. At that time, I had two options: going back to Barcelona or staying in London and opting to continue studying in a Russell Group university, which was like the fulfilment of a dream for me.

Once I found a part-time job with flexible hours that allowed me to afford the tuition fees and to live in London, I didn’t have much to think about. Then, I started doing extensive research into Masters courses until I brought it down to four options; I decided to play it safe and apply to all four of them. Since I applied quite late in the year, two courses were already full and I was accepted in the other two. My preferred choice was King’s College because of its renowned reputation, prestige and my desire to have the best education. So the decision was easy to make and that is how my Master of Research in Molecular Biophysics and my adventure at King’s College London started.

Now the question is, why did I choose to continue at King’s?

Applying for a PhD is a whole different experience, since you usually apply for a very specific project, therefore you need to be the ideal candidate for it. Nevertheless, other than the institution, additional factors must be taken into account, such as the group and the supervisor. Choosing what it is going to be your project for the next four years is not a trivial decision.

My field of interest was quite broad and there was a wide choice of ambitious PhD projects, so I contacted several groups from different disciplines in order to go deeper into their research. After some interviews with different researchers, my current supervisor offered me a position. I liked the project, I liked the group, I liked my supervisor and I liked the idea of having a female supervisor. So my answer was emphatically yes. I had enjoyed my experience at this university and I felt proud of saying I was studying at King’s College London, furthermore, being already a student at King’s made it easier for me to get a PhD position here. In conclusion, this is how my second stage at King’s started and I am looking forward to the next three years.

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