It’s a big decision! Why I chose to study Electronic Engineering at King’s


By Nat Roongjirarat – BEng Electronic & Information Engineering, Department of Informatics

University in many ways represents the transition between student life into working life. It is a long-term investment for your future and requires commitment. So choosing where you want to spend the next three to four years after high school can come with its own challenges. The most obvious reason to go to university boils down to getting a job once you graduate. Hence King’s high employability ranking (based on employers) was what ultimately formed my decision.

While ranking will be a major factor for many, for me location, funding and available resources/support were all things to consider as well. Bearing these things in mind I knew that I wanted to go to university in London and coupled with my aforementioned priorities I felt that King’s College London provided a balance of all of these. Funding in particular would be important to me as I knew the course I applied for was new; whilst the good ranking was a nice bonus.

In addition, the wide range of extracurricular activities was also quite appealing. Without doubt there is something for everyone, from sports to societies that introduce you to potential employers from all sorts of industries.

Lastly I felt like King’s international outlook would allow me to meet all kinds of people from different backgrounds to expand my horizon and build relationships that expand beyond university into my working life.

However since the Electronic and Information Engineering course was relatively new at KCL, I knew that the available resources may be an issue. Luckily this was not the case for the most part, with only one module really standing out for lack of resources. Obviously this can be the case for many universities and due to the nature of university studies in general, I was somewhat prepared to deal with this.

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