Continuing with this week’s theme of sleep, Sarah reviews Professor Alice Gregory’s (guest contributor for our final A-Z blog) book ‘Nodding Off: The Science of Sleep from Cradle to Grave’.
Continuing with this week’s theme of sleep, Sarah reviews Professor Alice Gregory’s (guest contributor for our final A-Z blog) book ‘Nodding Off: The Science of Sleep from Cradle to Grave’.
Today we have some reflections from Dr Holan Liang, part-time Consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at UCL, on her journey through academia, motherhood, writing and part-time clinical work in medicine. You can follow her on Twitter on @shrinkgrowskids.
Mention that you are researching ‘genetics and mental health’ and you might notice a sense of unease in your audience. We usually tack on additional information, which ranges from, “investigating how we can predict response to psychological therapies using genetic information, and of course we incorporate environmental factors too”, to “but…
Methods and concepts in Behavioural Genetics are intrinsically statistical, and jargon and acronyms abound. This often makes the research difficult for people outside of the field (and in the field) to understand and critique. In light of this, Rosa [EditLab PhD student] takes a look at the world’s most famous…
In mid-October, I attended a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training course, which is available to all staff at King’s College London. The training course aims to (1) raise awareness of mental health, and (2) teach how to recognize and provide initial support to someone who is struggling. Molly…
Sometimes you find yourself stumbling across little titbits of surprising information. Those moments that stop and make you go “Huh”. Some of these moments are more surprising than others. So today, for your blog enjoyment, I present you with a carefully curated series of things I learned this week. Things…
I have a mild obsession (well, actually I have several, but only one is pertinent to this piece). Most of us have a thing we spend too much time on given its relative importance – computer games, knitting, running, animal species where the genus and the species are the same…
Heading into the Festival of Genomics 2017, I had very carefully planned which talks I was going to attend, making sure I would catch all the big names in research and healthcare. As I was scanning the timetable, a talk caught my eye titled ‘A family experience with open-access personal…
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