

B for Biobank

By | A-Z

Next in the ‘A-Z’ series is B, for ‘Biobank’ or ‘BioResource’. Biobanks and bioresources are frequently used to support an abundance of research looking into all kinds of different disorders and phenotypes. This blog outlines exactly what a biobank and a bioresource are, and how they are used to support…

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Microbes and mates

By | Research Matters

Microbiome research has not yet reshaped our conceptions of mental health etiology and treatment (see my previous article), but it should be causing havoc in the social sciences – particularly for anthropologists, who have long sought to understand cross-cultural conceptions of the ‘individual’ and ‘relatedness’.

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Microbes and minds

By | Research Matters

 It might surprise you that your body is made up of only 10% human cells. There are trillions of microscopic creatures living and dying all over you, and these are particularly diverse and numerous in the human gut. Mounting evidence suggests that microbes aren’t all enemies but are vital to…

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