Family psychologist and parent, Bonamy Oliver, discusses how messages about parenting could be impacting children and young people.
Family psychologist and parent, Bonamy Oliver, discusses how messages about parenting could be impacting children and young people.
Jehannine Austin, Ph.D., CGC, is a past president of the National Society of Genetic Counselors and is a professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. In this blog she discusses how people can help protect their mental health when they may…
If you have a family history of a particular mental disorder there is a chance you have some of the genes associated with it. However this doesn’t mean that you will definitely develop that disorder, you just have a genetic predisposition to it. The genetic component to mental disorders is…
It is often discussed how strange it is that people are so different to their family members. After all, shared genes and a shared home environment should lead to strong family resemblance, right? Not necessarily.
This week in our A-Z post for ‘K’, Tom McAdams [EDIT Lab Associate Director] outlines Kinship, a core concept in the field of behavioural genetics.
On the 28th of November the BBC and BBC Radio 5 Live were raising awareness for mums and mental health. Mothers everywhere were invited to join in online using the hashtag: #MumTakeOver. They had presenters come in to discuss their own, sometimes difficult experiences of having babies and becoming mothers….
Heading into the Festival of Genomics 2017, I had very carefully planned which talks I was going to attend, making sure I would catch all the big names in research and healthcare. As I was scanning the timetable, a talk caught my eye titled ‘A family experience with open-access personal…
An ever-expanding methodological toolbox is one of the privileges of 21st century science. For most of us, the pace of Moore’s law-driven technological advancement is now so familiar as to be almost taken for granted. However, the mere availability of technologically-advanced new methods is not a guaranteed solution to any…
The belief that parental behaviour has an important impact on shaping child development is widespread. Entire books, websites, and industries now exist that are focused on this notion. Right from the moment of conception, parents are bombarded with information telling them that their behaviour can have a profound and long-lasting…
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