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EDIT Lab guest contributor

J for Junk DNA Does Not Exist!

By | A-Z

 In the last few decades, non-coding DNA has been a hot topic of discussion and debate within the scientific community. In this blog, we decode the mysteries of non-coding DNA, unveiling their genetic significance beyond the “junk” label.              Figure from: The discovery of…

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I for Impairment

By | A-Z

We often think about depression and anxiety in terms of symptom severity. In this week’s blog, we explore the role functional impairment plays in those disorders, as it tends to be overlooked.             What is functional impairment? Functional impairment relates to what is more commonly…

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F for FLARe

By | A-Z

Once only possible in lab based experiments, we are now able to test people’s learning of fear via their smartphones, facilitating bigger experiments and better data.         F stands for FLARe. And FLARe stands for Fear Learning and Anxiety Response. It is the name of our bespoke…

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