Rana’s Summer at King’s

A week after being back from London, all I can say is wow. Those three weeks are the most memorable weeks of my life! The trip was jam-packed with so many activities, events, great food, and of course studying. Although I’m Canadian and am used to diverse communities, London has exceeded all my expectations. I am a firm believer that London has a special charm to it that lures you back!

King’s College London is such an amazing university that really gave me insight to what I want my future to look like through showing me what higher education looks like in the UK and inspiring me to work hard to continue my studies abroad. The location, resources, and amazing professors really made a difference in my experience overall! Taking this summer class has allowed me to meet phenomenal people that I am lucky to call friends that could last a lifetime!

Now that I’m back home, I’m constantly looking at the pictures, I’m reminded of all the amazing experiences like going to Sky Garden, or the King’s organised Greenwich trip, going to Oxford, visiting all the London monuments like the London Eye, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, and Regents Park. This will certainly not be the last time I go to London to study. King’s and London, I’ll be back!

Rana Hassan

Lieke’s summer at King’s

Not knowing what to expect and both nervous and excited, I boarded the train which would take me to London from the Netherlands. Only a few hours later, I arrived in the heart of London. This was the beginning of an amazing and very valuable experience. In the following three weeks, I would experience joy, stress, happiness, sadness, and amazement, and I would feel so grateful for being able to study in such a vibrant city.

During my time in London I met so many different people from all over the world, each with their own story and personality, but they were all such beautiful human beings. I loved discussing the differences between our cultures, and I am thankful for being able to explore London with them. From visiting Greenwich to participating in a pub quiz, joining the Harry Potter walking tour, having dinner at Camden Market, going to Portobello Road Market, and feeling like a typical tourist when posing in front of the Houses of Parliament or on Millennium Bridge, it has all been amazing and I hope to be able to stay in touch with as many of these new friends as possible.

However, making many new friends from all over the world is just one aspect of the King’s College Summer School Programme. The Summer School also helps you to become more independent. A few years ago, I visited London with my family, but this was a totally different experience compared to studying in London for three weeks this summer. When I was visiting London with my family, my parents were usually the ones trying to figure out how to get from one highlight to the other, but when I was studying in London this summer, I had to figure this out all by myself. The first time I had to use the London Underground, I was very confused, but it didn’t take a long time before I was able to use the Underground without feeling completely lost, especially if I had to change tube lines. Of course, taking care of the laundry on your own and going grocery shopping by yourself may seem quite difficult if your parents usually take care of these things for you, but it soon becomes easier once you’ve done these things a couple of times.

Definitely the most challenging part of the Summer School was finding a balance between studying and exploring the city. This was something I was especially struggling with during the first week of the Summer School. After class, I would usually meet up with friends to go to an new area of London, but as I had a test by the end of every week, I usually felt very stressed when I realised I only had a small amount of time left to prepare. Therefore, my advice to prospective Summer School students would be: explore London as much as you can, but definitely don’t forget to study regularly and to do your homework in order to not fall behind, because good time management will definitely help to reduce your stress levels.

All in all, studying in London has been one of the best experiences of my entire life and I would definitely recommend everyone to study abroad for a few weeks during the summer, since this will – without a doubt – be an experience you’ll cherish forever.

Lieke Gol

Laura’s summer at King’s

At the beginning of 2019, I started thinking about my summer vacation. I wondered: ‘what could I do that would both be interesting and fun whilst travelling abroad?’ After endlessly scrolling through Web pages, I decided that King’s summer programme would be the perfect fit. The application process was straightforward, and since it is a prestigious and world- renowned university, I patiently waited for the admissions results.
Taking a strong interest in the legislation, I attended undergraduate-level law classes.

Throughout the two weeks, I was able to learn a lot in a short time. Apart from having lectures in the morning, we visited the Royal Courts of Justice as a group and took part in mock trials, thus we really experienced working as a barrister for a few hours. Furthermore, guest speakers having different projects gave us insight into their work. Not only did I meet peers sharing the same interest, I also engaged in group activities with students from other modules. For instance, I got to discuss with people whose career paths seemed completely different to mine and who came from a variety of cultures. The entrepreneurship challenge and free time until curfew played a key role in building an international network.

I would recommend the residential option, since I am still in touch with people from all around the world, with whom I experienced a preview of life at university. Considering that King’s campus is located in the centre of London, we took advantage of our evenings to wander around the city. Even though walking five miles at once seemed reasonable (we just stopped for pictures), we realised in the morning that we would not get through the two weeks that way. On the bright side, I can now work out which route to take by looking at the tube map without looking like a moron.  Moreover, being far from home gave me a feeling of independence and I am looking forward to going to university. The experience was truly enriching, rewarding and empowering and I believe that anyone can benefit from it!

Katarina’s summer at King’s


I remember walking in on my first day, not knowing anyone and thinking to myself, “This is going to be a long two weeks”. Little did I know that 12 days later, I would be crying with my friends not wanting to say goodbye. All the people that I got to know, and the countless memories built at King’s are truly irreplaceable.
The Pre-University Psychology course at King’s was one of the most inspiring and fun experiences of my life. Not only did I learn an extensive amount about topics that greatly interest me, but I was able to explore what university life is like in one of the liveliest cities in the world. Our campus was located less than 10 minutes from the “must sees” that London has to offer, and a beautiful walk along the Thames. This convenience was best experienced when my friends and I would go get a truffle burger for lunch by the river between our two daily seminars. After a total of up to 6 and a half hours of lectures and educational activities per day, we had around 4 hours (until our curfew!) to explore London and its vibrant and diverse culture. However, soon that free time was shortened by essay writing, testing out how to do laundry, and trying to stay fit from all those burgers. Yet, to me, this was one of the most influential aspects of the summer course: realising what university life might be like, and that, contrary to what mom says, you can wash black and white clothes in the same washing machine.

I think I speak on behalf of all my friends that I met during those two weeks when I say that every moment at King’s was an unforgettable one. From making long-lasting friendships and exploring London to having the opportunity to talk with inspiring professors, this course was one that teaches you to be more independent, confident, and ready to tackle the challenges that life brings. Looking back now, there is nothing  that I would change about the course, except maybe making it double as long.

Katarina Krajnovic – Pre-University Summer School

King’s summer experience

Wondering how the summer school experience is? In today’s post our students share their experience with you.

Undergraduate Summer School students 

‘It’s my first time to be abroad. At first, I was a little bit nervous. But the amazing view of London, the kindness of everyone nearby helped me a lot and I love King’s now!’ – Lina Zha

‘King’s not only provided me with a fantastic international study programme, which broadened both my knowledge and interest in international law. They also provided a fantastic and unique environment to meet and get to know people from all regions of the world, helping not only make friends and networks but to appreciate different cultures and different learning styles. The friends I’ve made will stay friends forever – and the skills and knowledge taught will be used in both further study and in the workforce. I would strongly recommend King’s college summer school for everyone.’ – Melia, Australia

‘King’s Summer School is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Not only do you get to live in one of the most vibrant cities in the world, with countless events taking place daily, but you also get to experience studying at one of the best universities in the world. It is, overall, an experience worth postponing your regular summer holidays over, as you will have the best holidays possible and will definitely dread leaving London at the end.‘ – Aikaterini, Greece

Pre-University Summer School students

‘King’s college summer school was a completely unique experience which gave me an unparalleled insight into university life. Each lecture was stimulating and exciting and I would highly recommend the experience. I took part in the medicine course which informed me further on student life as a medic and on the career as a whole. This will help me significantly when it comes to applying to universities in future.’ – Elena, UK

‘An excellent way to get to know new cultures, with excellent people, expert teachers, interesting courses and legendary ambassadors. Really recommend it! ‘ – Juan Llorens, Spain

The applications are closing on 10th June, if you want to join us this summer please submit your application here. If you have already applied, we will see you soon.

Study Women’s and Child Health in London this summer

If you’re an early year medical student thinking of choosing obstetrics, gynaecology or paediatrics as a potential career choice then our 3-week Summer School in Women’s Health and Child Health could be for you!

Students will experience what it’s like to work in the pioneering health and research centres of Evelina Children’s Hospital and Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals. You will have the opportunity to interact with consultants, junior doctors, nurses, therapists, specialists, patients, families and students from all over the world.

Our programme is a variety of interactive workshops, lectures, practical simulation classes and clinical attendance. Students are given the opportunity to use simulation facilities to learn important practical skills such as ultrasound, pelvic examination and obstetric palpation, prior to their clinical attachments in medical school.

Each student will be assigned a mentor group led by a final year medical student from King’s College London. Your mentor will give you guidance and support throughout the programme, as well as insight into what it’s like to study in London and work in the NHS.

Here’s a quote from a student who attended in 2018:

‘This summer school really helped me understand I chose the right career path. I used to have many doubts about my choice, but during the clinical attendance, when I met the patients and when I understood that, as a doctor, you can really make a difference in a person’s life, I felt the passion for what I am doing/studying inside of me, and I said to myself: “That’s it, I’m here, and I could never be anywhere else in the world. Medicine is my place’. – Martina Marrad

The Summer School in Women’s Health and Child Health runs between 1-19 July 2019, with the option to do the Summer School in Women’s Health from 1-12 July 2019.

If you would like more information please check our module page or email summer@kcl.ac.uk.

Deadlines for applications is 31st May 2019, applications can be submitted here.

Please note that applicants should be current medical students who have completed at least one year of medical study by the time they attend the Summer School.

London Calling

This week London was (unsurprisingly) named the best destination in the world by the 2019 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice awards. London is also the number 1 student city in the world for university students, according to QS Higher Education Group.

It’s an iconic city full of history and art, endless restaurants, bars, coffee shops and free museums. There is so much to see and do in London, you will never be bored! ‘Diversity’ is the best word to describe the city that has people from all corners of the world. This city will open your horizons, makes you see things from a different perspective and allow you to meet people from around the globe.

London is also home to big dreams and endless job opportunities meaning most students choose to stay here after graduating.

Our summer team is a mix of nationalities. Here’s some thoughts about London from the team:

‘Moving to London was the best life decision I ever made. This city is so, fun, vibrant and dynamic. From food markets to West End shows and music gigs there is always something to do. One of my favourite things about London is the cultural diversity. I have been fortunate enough to make friends with people from all over the world who live here in London. If you are considering moving to London, I say stop thinking and do it – it may be a big city, but it’s full of welcoming, cheerful Londoners.’ – Jen Ahern (from Australia)


‘Living in London is a life experience! An experience that makes you grow personally and professionally, it teaches you to be respectful, proactive and independent. It’s a city full of opportunities that moves at a fast pace but at the same time teaches you to appreciate the simple things in life, such as a walk in the park and even your own country ‘. – Joana Correia (from Portugal)



‘London is a city that has become the home for people from around the world. I have always felt very welcome in London because of it. At the same time it isn’t a city whose identity isn’t also undeniably English and quintessentially British. Wherever you are in London, you feel the character, the history, the heartbeat of this fantastic place’ – Alexander Heinz (from Germany) 



‘Having been born and bred in this great city, I could never dream of leaving. For me, London is less a about tea, scones and old buildings like the old caricature always goes, but is instead more of a fast-paced, trendy, diverse and incredibly welcoming city. London becomes home for everyone who visits, and will always be open. – Neil Vadgama (from the UK)


Our summer programmes are an opportunity to experience London not only from a student perspective but also from a Londoner point of view (the only difference is that if you stay in King’s accommodation you will not experience the London commute – you can thank us later.)

If you haven’t started your application move to ready, set, apply. London is calling!

Ready, set, apply!

Whether you are still considering applying to our summer school or have started your application with us, we would like to share some tips with you to help you through the process. 

Our admissions team carefully considers each application with the same scrutiny and provides equal opportunities to every applicant. We aim to ensure that all our applicants are wholly committed to making the most of their learning experience at King’s, and so we ask of you to meet our entry requirements. Most participants in our Summer School are non-English speakers from all walks of life. To ensure you feel comfortable and can follow our classes with ease, we will ask you to meet a certain level of English.   

The application process can be long, so please read the application guidelines and have your documents ready to make the process easy. Have a look at the application guidelines here. We want to make sure that you meet our requirements while we have all the information needed to guarantee you support. 

Each programme offers two options, a residential pack (that includes King’s accommodation) and a tuition fee only, so when you apply you should choose the right option for you. If you apply to tuition only programme and now you would like to stay in our accommodation, please get in touch with us through King’s Apply account and we will transfer you onto the residential programme.  

Last but not least, the deadline for applying is on 31st May, but early applications are recommended. 

If you have any questions, our lovely admissions team can be reached on summer@kcl.ac.uk or if you have already started your application, you can message us through King’s Apply.