Studying Business Management at King’s Pre-University Online Summer School

I studied Business Management during King’s Pre-University Online Summer School in 2021. The Summer School is divided into two major parts: Global challenge and your chosen subject’s program. I chose business management because I am planning to study it at university. After following the detailed steps of applying and writing a personal statement, I was able to attend the Business management program.  

Student engagement

The program is delicately planned to maximise student engagement. Before the start of teaching, there was a welcoming event followed by an introduction process. This quickly helped me to feel involved despite the programme taking place online. The content in my business management program was engrossing and helped me to learn a lot about how to start up a business. During the first week, we focused on creating your business idea, establishing your market, developing your strategy, financial forecasting, start-up capital, marketing plan, growth strategy, supply chain, business culture and HR.  

Intellectually stimulating 

The teaching throughout the course was intellectually stimulating as well as engaging and fun. One example of this was when the tutor told interesting stories related to the subject matter to help the lesson to become livelier and more relatable. After each lesson, we had the chance to apply what we learned in class. During this process, I was able to learn a lot about finance and marketing. For instance, we needed to apply market sizing principles to find suitable funding requests for our business. As a result of all this accumulation of knowledge, our team was slowly building on and refining our final project. The final product is to produce a business presentation in groups that will attract investors. I believe my teammates coped smoothly throughout the whole program. Although we did not know each other before the session, after being dividing into teams, we exchanged our contact details and became friends. This was all inspired by our excitement to share our ideas for starting a business.  

During the global challenge session, we worked as a team to find evidence and resources regarding the cause and impact of food insecurity. I was amazed by the level of teamwork and fascinated by the capacity of human beings to work towards a common goal. Our team decided to complete a presentation on climate change. To produce the final product, we researched and gathered information both during lesson time and outside class hours to find resources such as the stakeholders, the impacts, and the potential solutions.  

Student ambassadors

The programme also includes meeting student ambassadors. This is especially useful for students who want to apply to King’s College London because it provided me with a more complete picture of life at King’s. By the end of the programme, I gained more valuable skills, enriched my academic knowledge, and learned details about the UCAS application.  

Personally, I’m extremely glad that I was able to attend my first university summer school program at King’s College London. This course has helped me develop as a person both inside and outside of the classroom. 

 – Emily Wu, Pre-University Summer School 2021

King’s Pre-University Summer School returns to campus for 2022 find out more online here.