Life at King’s – Getting active


By Samer Hammoud, BSc Chemistry, Department of Chemistry

I’m sure if you’ve applied to King’s or are considering applying, you have heard of the famous varsity series (think cheesy American high school). It is only the biggest sporting event on the calendar, where King’s College London Students’ Union (KCLSU Sports) face off against our bitter rivals situated in Bloomsbury, none other than University College London Union (Team UCL) in head-to-head sporting activities. This includes football, rugby, badminton and so much more.

Sporting societies and events are not the only possibilities King’s offers in the form of extracurricular activities. Somehow my phenomenal sporting abilities were overlooked for most sports when it came to varsity selection, despite excelling in every trial … so at least I thought. So, I found solace in King’s Beactive programme, which is a social sport and physical activity programme available to all KCL students, where I was a frequent attendee of the recreational badminton and football sessions, which are a great way to blow off steam from your course woes and meet new people.

In addition to sports, the range of different societies you can be part of is spread all across the board, with activities you wouldn’t think of being a *thing*. This involves cultural groups, political, academic and many more, with the opportunity to also create a new group for something you are passionate about. I began my King’s life attending KCL Gaming and eSports video game society events, Chess Society and even Chemsoc (Chemistry Society) activities.

Even with the strains of my course and long contact hours, I find time for a causal game of football and odd society meet-ups here and there. And the extracurricular activities don’t have to stretch too far from home, as some can be found on your course, such as a departmental Chemistry magazine to which I contribute.

Of course, I can’t finish a piece on extracurricular activities without mentioning the countless socials and outings you can enjoy at the legendary Waterfront and infamous Guy’s Bar, where you can just relax with your mates and let your hair down after a long week (that counts as extracurricular right?).

Whatever your interest and hobbies, King’s usually has some sort of answer where you can feel fulfilled and truly enjoy your university experience.

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