Getting the most from your degree (a PG Perspective)


By Alexios Stellas, MSc Computing & Security, Department of Informatics

Being a postgraduate is a whole different deal than being an undergrad. My experience being an MSc student in King’s has been a demanding but very rewarding experience. Keep in mind, before you attend a Master’s programme, you must prepare yourself for A LOT of studying.

Personally, I chose to do an MSc in Computing & Security. I studied Computer Science in my undergraduate degree and I wanted to specialise in an interesting field of computing. Cyber Security is a really hot topic in Computer Science at the moment and King’s College London offers one of the best Cybersecurity courses in the UK. This MSc programme offers a combination of specialised compulsory modules, as well as a variety of optional modules to choose from.

I believe that when you are thinking of doing an MSc, you have to pick something you love. You are going to have to do a lot of work and the only way to perform well is to enjoy what you are studying. I chose Cybersecurity because I loved the few modules related to security in my undergraduate course. Although I should note that the modules of an MSc differ from the ones in a BSc significantly, and they expect students to study a lot more and do a lot of their own research. I feel I have learned a lot about studying and researching on my own this past year, in order to do well in my studies.

Another thing I would like to suggest to my fellow MSc students is to try and participate in research projects. Firstly, look for research projects related to your field, distinct from the mandatory project you will have to do as part of your Master’s. Other researchers sometimes look for help or participants and participating can be a great experience. Keep in mind that it can be tricky to find research projects to participate in depending on your field. What I did was also participate in research projects of various fields, unrelated to mine. Other postgraduate students are always looking for participants and most of the times they will also reward you for your time. Whatever study you participate in will be a great experience. You will learn new things and get the chance to help a fellow student.

Overall, I prefer to spend what little time I have left for my studies to participate in whatever interesting activity I can. That activity may be a research project, a conference or even one of the careers fairs that King’s offers. By doing this, you will end up pretty busy, but will also take advantage of every second of your MSc.

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