Case Note: C-333/14 Scotch Whisky Association and Others v Lord Advocate and Advocate General for Scotland [2016] 2 C.M.L.R. 27 – Jochelle Greaves Siew

Jochelle Greaves Siew   Introduction The guarantee of free movement of goods[1] within the European Union (EU) is the result of several core safeguards. One of which is the prohibition of quantitative restrictions (QRs) or measures having equivalent effects (MEEs)[2] in trade between Member States (MS). Scotch Whisky Association and Others[3] is a significant decision… More Case Note: C-333/14 Scotch Whisky Association and Others v Lord Advocate and Advocate General for Scotland [2016] 2 C.M.L.R. 27 – Jochelle Greaves Siew