It is often discussed how strange it is that people are so different to their family members. After all, shared genes and a shared home environment should lead to strong family resemblance, right? Not necessarily.
It is often discussed how strange it is that people are so different to their family members. After all, shared genes and a shared home environment should lead to strong family resemblance, right? Not necessarily.
As sufferers will know all too well, sleep problems and depression often go hand-in-hand. In this post, I summarise the findings of our recent paper investigating the role of genetic factors in underpinning this link.
Clearly, the onset of depressive symptoms, at any stage of an individual’s life, is a cause for deep concern among loved ones. But the emergence of such problems in young children and adolescents is especially worrisome for parents – and never more so than when it coincides with problems at home. But what…
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