A day in the life of Film Studies MA student

By Isabella, Film Studies MA student

The life of this Film Studies MA student starts early, giving me the rest of the day to get work done in the study spots on campus and at the nearby Maughan Library. I personally enjoy studying on the top floor the Student Union building of Bush House. Being so high up means the place is always sunny and lots of pillows make it comfy too.

Morning class

My first class is at 9am. I enjoy presentations as they give us a chance to spark conversations and help breakdown the text by presenting us with the challenge of explaining it to others.

Supervisor meeting

After my 9am class, I had a meeting with my supervisor about my dissertation. We’re lucky in the Film Studies department that the academics have a broad range of interests, meaning my supervisor can assist me in my research area, which is women in British Cinema.

Afternoon class

I then attended an afternoon class that included a screening of Les Chansons d’Amour (2007); a fun film I never would have thought to watch if I hadn’t picked the French Cinema module.


After class, I went down to the BFI Southbank. The great thing about being on campus in central London is the easy access to a lot of famous cinemas. I went to see a re-release of Alien (1979) which I had never seen on the big screen before. One important thing about being an MA Film Studies student is you get used to watching a lot of films in one day.


Finally, I head home – usually with a bag full of library books to read in bed!

If you’re still deciding whether or not to study a master’s, I’d recommend reading fellow Film Studies MA student Eleonora’s blog Postgraduate studies: should I or shouldn’t I?

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