Close up of two raised hands in an audience

Everyone raise your hand

February 2, 2022 0

Authored by Dr Darren Harvey, Lecturer in Law (Education), Dickson Poon School of Law. What is it? A question is posed by the person leading the teaching session, who then instructs everybody participating in the […]


August 5, 2019 Mary Seabrook 0

What is it? Brainstorming is a method used to generate multiple answers or ideas.  It encourages creativity and divergent thinking which can be used to solve problems or answer questions.  It was popularised by Alex […]

Hand holding phone displaying Polleverywhere response system

Tests and polls

May 6, 2019 0

What is it? Tests, sometimes known as Quizzes, are usually no-stakes or low stakes opportunities for learning (i.e. students work with knowledge as well as recalling what they already know) which can take place within […]

From the back of a lecture theatre - Prf Krsreenivasan Lecture

Confidence to contribute

May 5, 2019 1

What is it? Some students tend to contribute disproportionately to discussions while others hardly ever speak. This guide offers some alternative ways to even out student participation in a group discussion. Why do it? Hearing […]

Stopwatch by Casey Marshall on Flickr

Minute paper

May 4, 2019 1

The minute paper, usually associated with physics professor Charles Schwartz, is a simple assessment form which elicits students’ knowledge about a topic or concept, or the contents of a lecture. It fosters deeper learning because […]

Peer instruction

Peer Instruction – Eric Mazur’s approach

May 2, 2019 1

What is it? Peer Instruction is an approach to teaching difficult concepts which students often misunderstand – bottlenecks in learning which students must pass through if they are to progress further. Students are assigned preparatory […]


May 1, 2019 0

What is it? Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning approach where the whole group is given a single question or prompt to discuss. Students consider the question individually for a few minutes before forming pairs to […]