This international society was founded in 1997 to promote knowledge of and interest in Ford. Honorary Members include Julian Barnes, A. S. Byatt, Hans-Magnus Enzensberger, Samuel Hynes, Alan Judd, Sir Frank Kermode, Ruth Rendell, Michael Schmidt, John Sutherland, and Gore Vidal. There are currently over one hundred members, from more than ten countries.
The Society continues to organize an active programme of events. Besides regular meetings in Britain, we have held conferences in Italy, Germany, and the U.S.A. Since 2002 we have published International Ford Madox Ford Studies. The annual volumes are distributed free to members. Ford Madox Ford: A Reappraisal (2002), Ford Madox Ford’s Modernity (2003), History and Representation in Ford Madox Ford’s Writings (2004), Ford Madox Ford and the City (2005), Ford Madox Ford and Englishness (2006), and Ford Madox Ford’s Literary Contacts (2007) are all still available. Future issues are planned on Ford and editing, Ford and the visual arts, and Ford and France. If you are an admirer, an enthusiast, a reader, a scholar, or a student of anything Fordian, then this Society wants to hear from you, and welcomes your participation in its activities.
The Society normally organises events and publishes Newsletters each year. Future meetings are planned in Provence, Durham, Germany, and Glasgow. The Society has also inaugurated a series of Ford Lectures. Speakers have included Alan Judd, Nicholas Delbanco, Zinovy Zinik, A. S. Byatt and Colm Tóibín.
To join, please see the website for details; or send your name and address (including an e-mail address if possible), and a cheque made payable to ‘The Ford Madox Ford Society’, to:
Dr Paul Skinner, 7 Maidstone Street, Victoria Park, Bristol BS3 4SW, UK.
Telephone: 0117 9715008; Fax: 0117 9020294
Email: p.skinner370@btinternet.com
Annual rates: Sterling: Individuals: £12 (by standing order; otherwise £15); Concessions £8;
Euros: €17.00 (by standing order; otherwise €21.00); Concessions €8.50. US Dollars: Any category: $25
Officers of the Society:
Chair: Sara Haslam
Treasurer: Paul Skinner
Secretary: Ashley Chantler
For further information about the Society, follow this link to the:
Ford Madox Ford Society Website
Registered Charity No. 1084040