
Hourly-Paid Teaching Opportunity (Poetry)

The Department of English welcomes applications for an hourly-paid teaching opportunity for the first semester of 2024/25.

· Writing Poetry 5AAEB054

The successful applicant will convene and teach this undergraduate Creative Writing module, giving ten lectures, leading two seminar groups, and marking students’ work.

Module Description

The purpose of this module is to educate students in the main features of the poetic art form, how to achieve them on the page, and how to recognize and appreciate the literary contexts out of which they emerge. Students will work through their notebooks and workshops to recognize their own poetic impulses and render them with greater precision in what they write. Students will be encouraged to write poems in the workshops, to be discussed by the group. There will be a mid-term essay in criticism, picking up on what has been learned, and an end of term examination of five poems written by each student.

Teaching pattern

One one-hour weekly lecture and two one-hour seminar groups.

Applicants will hold a PhD in Creative Writing, have experience of teaching the writing of poetry at university level, and have the right to work in the UK.

The payment is £23.67 per hour with two preparation hours for every classroom hour. The role will also include payment for convening (including office hours) and marking.

To apply:

· Please send a CV and short statement (500 words maximum), outlining the skills and experience you would bring to the role, to Alan Marshall (Head of English), at, cc, Please use the subject heading: HPL Application: Writing Poetry 5AAEB054: [Your surname]

Closing date for applications: 9.00 am, Monday 8th July, 2024. We hope to conduct interviews later in the month.

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